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Lessons From Childhood Diaries

Here are some lessons that I learnt and realized when I was younger and then see if I have kept the lessons in my mind from them. The first one is about time:

"My thoughts wandered to the subjects of time. It has such a hold on every humans mind these days. So heres a little thing I learnt. Other animals live freely as we are the only ones with such powerful minds. However the greed of information destroyed us, It's given us a million things to worry about. Looking at time, its something we created. Photoperiod exists, but we gave it a measurement. Time makes us rush and worry far too much. As kids, time meant nothing to us. It was about light, we would play when the sun came up and would return home when it got dark. Streetlights being our alarm. This is because we didn't have phones and fancy watches to the job for us. I don't even have a watch, it is truly a blessing. The next time you are worried because time is passing you too quickly. I want you to grab you favorite books and some snacks and head for a quiet place outside and go read. When you arrive at the place I want you to turn off your phone and only turn it back on when you return home. Forget about time and the outside world. Trust yourself not time." careful creatures made friends with time - we aren't careful so lets ignore time. Looking at this I had a very good understanding on how to relax. This was because of how I grew up. I was always expected to be perfect but this was my way of freeing myself from the problem that is gave. I will admit honestly I still do this. When I have exams or scary things coming up I take a day to this and make sure that I am ok. It's a truly great time to organize your thoughts and learn more about yourself.

This is a more recent picture of me sitting where that was written when I was a kid. ^^^^^^

I know this was a short one but I will do more of these in the future and look forward to the continuation of this blogger series, these are lessons we can all relate to in one way or another. The next blog post might be about me facing a challenge I never saw coming and I hope it inspires anyone of you to keep up you dreams and try anything new that you think could be great for you. Love Ya, R


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