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SO I didn't celebrate Halloween this year for the reason of saving up as much money as possible, this is because of an exciting reason!!!! Are you ready for it? Are you sure....... I AM GOING TO NEW YORK!!!!!!! its in febuary and its for a week, its a more educational trip but its for photography so expect MANY PHOTOS!! I have yet to upload my clue to Instagram as my Instagram hasn't been letting me post anything lately :( (a social media obsessed persons nightmare) But I continue....... I can't wait to go as this has always been a dream of mine, I love how the city never sleeps and there is always an adventure to be had. It's the real life version of Neverland and I am Wendy ready to explore the new world. I love travelling as it is so many new doors opening and the brain gets to breathe in new culture and be fed new memories until its full. In new countries no one knows your past therefore it doesn't matter and it has no chance to define you, you can be the person you have always wanted to be as it gives you a new confidence that no one can teach. It's a blank page and each memory gets to paint the picture until after you have a masterpiece. I want to thank the people who have helped me get here. I am a very lucky person and I understand how big of an opportunity this is and I hope this can help lead to a bright new career and life for me with plenty of opportunities that I am passionate about. Mostly I hope to improve my photography and as a person. Now another part of this is the fact that I struggle with traveling as it leads to a lot of anxiety for me and that is hard to deal with, however I want to grow as a person. I want to be more independent and to learn how to do things by myself. I will write a longer blog on this closer to the time with things including things that I will get to do. I am logging off now as its late and I need to be ready for tomorrows photography session, love ya and leave ya!!! <3

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